December Tik Tok
December 16, 2021
Dear Hollis Families,
Our school has been made aware of a viral TikTok post threatening nationwide school violence. The post is not directed at one particular school or area and is currently receiving national attention. This challenge calls for school violence in every school in the country tomorrow, December 17, 2021. There are no indications of known threats at Hollis Grade School at this time.
The TikTok post has been shared with our local authorities and the Illinois State Police Department’s Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center (STIC). They have communicated that “several states have reported this threat has been circulating through their school districts. At this time, the STIC currently has no information concerning any threats or attacks planned at Illinois schools.”
We are writing to let you know we are aware of this challenge, and we will continue to remain vigilant in maintaining a safe environment for all of our students and staff. We encourage everyone to take some time and speak with your children about the power of social media and its intended use. When used appropriately, it’s a great tool. However, unmonitored social media use by children can be very dangerous. Please speak with your children about the potential consequences of engaging in threatening or inappropriate social media behaviors. Remind them if they “see something, say something” to a trusted adult. Parents, students, and community members are strongly encouraged to report any threats or suspicious social media activity to the school or local law enforcement agencies as soon as possible.
Here are some key points about making good decisions and easing these concerning feelings:
- Be sure to report any concerning message you hear or see in person or online to a trusted adult, school administration or staff member, or police.
- The Safe2Help Illinois is a 24/7 program for students to share school safety issues, find resources to get help and find encouragement to help others. Reports can be submitted here.
- Please do not promote social media rumors, instead, tell us.
- If you feel uncomfortable about something you read, something you hear, or something you see, please report it, so we can do something about it.
- Know who is connecting with your children online and set rules for social networking, instant messaging, e-mailing, online gaming, and using webcams.
Hollis School is committed to keeping our schools a safe place for learning, and we will work together to continue to keep it that way.
Hollis School