Cheer Practice canceled. 11/1
Hollis cheer practice is canceled today, November 1.
Hollis cheer practice is canceled today, November 1.
Come out tomorrow night for our next girls home game! Credit Mia S for creating the flyer! #hawkpride328
See the link for the agenda for the regular board meeting on 10/25/22 at 7:00 pm in the school library. October Agenda
The Teams Calendar has been updated with the proper practice times. The boys practices will run 3:30-5:30 until otherwise noted. Also, the preseason tournament at Pleasant Hill has been added to the calendar. Thank you!
Mark your calendars for Oct. 27 for the Parent Club Fall Spooktacular from 5:00-7:00 pm. The Hollis Parent Club would love some parent volunteers to assist with the Spooktacular Family Reading & Games Night on October 27. Whether you…
Boys basketball practice begins Monday from 3:30-5:00. Any 5th-8th grade boy interested in playing this year should attend. All participants should have an updated physical on file in the office. For additional practice times, please see the Teams Calendar on…
Reminder: Hollis dismisses at 11:30 today, 10/07/22. Lunch is not served. School is not in session on Monday. Have a great long weekend!
Hollis will be in the LCHS Homecoming Parade on 9/30. We are still taking candy donations if you would like to donate.
Reminder: Tomorrow is a half day for Hollis students. Students are dismissed at 11:30. Lunch will not be served.