Erin’s Law Programming – 4/30
April 26, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
In order for Hollis Grade School to comply with the state-mandated Erin’s Law, the Center for Prevention of Abuse will present the “Keeping My Body Safe” program which focuses on the prevention of childhood physical and sexual abuse and abduction. Presentations will occur during the morning of Friday, April 30, 2021. This program is intended to teach children basic self protection skills and safety rules. Children have a right to protect themselves from people who may try to hurt them or make them feel uncomfortable, even if it is someone they know or love.
Safety rules taught to the children include:
- Say no
- Get away
- Tell somebody
- Be believed
The “Keeping My Body Safe” program discusses the topic of strangers. Children are taught to:
- Resist tricks and lures
- Use a password (This is a secret word or phrase which only the parents or caregivers and the child knows)
- Identify safe adults
- Recognize the difference between “safe” and “unsafe” touches
- Apply the Body Safety Rules
5th-8th grade students will learn about sexual harassment, as well as sexual harassment and technology.
If you have any questions or if you would prefer for your child to not participate, please contact Mrs. Schoedel and alternate arrangements will be made.
Alisha Schoedel
Assistant Principal