August 4, 2020
Dear Hollis Parents & Guardians,
Thank you to those of you who attended last night’s meeting. It was a great opportunity for all of us to work through different scenarios and answer questions that will ultimately help increase the health and safety of our Hollis community. More than ever before, we must all work together as partners in education.
Attached to this email is the Hollis Remote Learning Plan for 2020-2021. While you may have chosen in-person learning for your child this quarter, please be aware that full remote learning is a real possibility for Hollis. We are hopeful that we will have some in-person, face to face time with our students, but as we have learned since March, the rules of the game and the circumstances surrounding this pandemic are constantly changing. We encourage everyone to have multiple plans for childcare and remote learning in the event that Hollis goes full remote. We fully plan to have in-person learning 5 days a week at this time but know that the current circumstances are changing frequently.
As soon as registration is complete, classroom teachers will be reaching out to parents of remote learners with instructions on what to expect at the beginning of the year and how to access the online curriculum. As you can imagine, this will look differently at each grade level, but all remote students will receive a combination of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (elapsed time) learning and interaction from Hollis staff. Additionally, dates for material pickup, including a Chromebook, will soon be communicated, along with how to complete daily attendance for our remote learners.
Regardless of your child’s choice for learning, it is important that all Hollis parents and guardians read through the remote learning plan. Questions can be directed to Superintendent Chad Jones ( or Assistant Principal Alisha Schoedel (
Thank you for your support of Hollis Grade School. We look forward to starting a fresh school year with your children!
P.S. It has come to our attention that a few of our families did not receive the registration mailing. If you did not receive the registration packet in the mail, please contact the school office at your earliest convenience.